Sensata Technologies

November 8th, 2019

Category: Circuit Protection
Airpax hydraulic magnetic circuit breakers and protectors, power switches and modular power distribution systems.

Category: Motors and Actuators

BEI Kimco brushless DC Motors and voice coil actuators.

Category: Relays
Crydom single, dual-channel, and 3-phase AC and DC SSRs, and power modules. 3-phase solid state contactors with motor reversing options. Panel, DIN-Rail, PCB, and plug-in mount.

Gigavac high-voltage relays.

Category: Sensors
BEI Sensors incremental, absolute, and magnetic encoders, contact and non-contact position sensors.

Cynergy3 float/flow switches, reed relays, liquid level sensors, and flow sensors.

Sensata pressure sensors, transducers, ceramic capacitive, piezo-resistive, silicon capacitive.

Category: Thermal Management
Sensata motor and lighting protectors, and temperature detection.

Sensata temperature switches, sensors, thermostats.