TDK Corporation (TSE 6762) announces the introduction of the TDK-Lambda GXE600 programmable AC-DC power supplies. The convection cooled 600W rated series is certified to the medical IEC 60601-1 and industrial IEC 60950-1 and IEC 62368-1 standards. The GXE600 is suitable for medical, industrial, test and measurement applications requiring wide-range output voltage and current programming, with sensitivity to noise from cooling fans.
The GXE600 is available with a nominal 24V or 48V output and can be programmed, using the RS-485 interface (Modbus RTU protocol) or an external 0 – 6V analog signal, for constant voltage and constant current (CVCC) operation. The programming range is 20% to 120% for the voltage and 20% to 100% for the current. In addition, the parameters for fault programming (protection level and recovery characteristics) and the slew rate timing can be changed. Remaining electrolytic capacitor life, operating hours and alarm history can be read through the RS-485 interface, aiding remote preventative maintenance.
More information available at us.tdk-lambda.com